
Image analysis

In the user interface you can enable and disable individual types of image analysis (ML/AI). If you want to limit the CPU and RAM resources taken up by image analysis you can switch off the most intensive ones or just ones you are not interested in.

You can turn these on or off at any time. Newly imported photos still get queued up when turned off so will be analysed when/if you turn it back on.


Here are some benchmarks to help determine impact of each type of analysis. These are average times measured on a Raspberry Pi 4 for a single photo, single worker.

Analysis Average time (seconds)
Color 2.083
Style 2.240
Location 3.707
Face 47.464
Object 52.796

Environment variables

Docker containers are commonly configured to run via envirnment varables. You will see some default values that can be edited in your docker-compose.yml file. Here are details of what they mean.

Variable Name Values Default Description
ENV dev, prd In prd mode, running code and services are as optimised as possible. Running in dev mode enables features like Webpack/React hot module reloading (HMR), Django Runserver (code auto-reloading), Storybook server etc.
DEMO 0, 1 0 Starts the environment with a demo user account, library and downloads some demo photos. This is how the demo at runs. You are restricted from performing certain data-modifying actions.
SAMPLE_DATA 0, 1 0 Creates same account, library and photos as in DEMO mode but still allows you to make modifying changes as a user (most useful for developers).
POSTGRES_HOST String postgres Host name for Postgres database instance.
POSTGRES_DB String photonix Database name for Postgres database instance, will be auto-created on first run if it doesn't exist.
POSTGRES_USER String postgres Username for Postgres database.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD String postgres Password for Postgres database.
POSTGRES_PORT Integer 5432 Port for Postgres database.
REDIS_HOST String redis Redis hostname, used for resource locking.
REDIS_PORT Integer 6379 Redis port number.
REDIS_DB Integer 0 Redis database number.
REDIS_PASSWORD String Redis password (not used by default).
ALLOWED_HOSTS String * Restricts access for Django backend to be accessed from just a certain hostname.
ADMIN_USERNAME String Creates a username for the admin user on first run.
ADMIN_PASSWORD String Sets password for the admin user on first run. If this is set but ADMIN_USERNAME is not, the username will be admin.
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY String random Sets value for Django to use as a secret key (sessions, hashing, signing etc.). By default we automatically generate a cryptographically secure key on first run and store it in Redis for future.
LOG_LEVEL DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL INFO Determines what level of logging to output to terminal.
DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL WARNING Determines what level of Django logging to output to terminal.