Does Photonix do face recognition and labelling of people?

29 Jun 2021, 12:03 a.m.

Yes, we have support for detecting, grouping and labelling faces. This means that if you label some of your friends, others will get automatically labelled so you can quickly find other photos of them.

These are the main steps of the process for each photo:

More details are given in our announcement blog post and Image Analysis documentation.

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Mar 2021

I'm amazed I hadn't heard of Photonix before - it seems perfect for my photo library. Great work, and congratulations on this release!

A question: do you expect it to work well on ARM SBCs like Raspberry Pi 4?



Feb 2021

Great to see object detection in free software!

Face recognition is another thing I'd very much miss away from Google Photos, but harder to get right as well?



Jun 2021

Thank you very much for adding face recognition on the same day as my Ars article went live where I said you didn't have it!!! >_<